For Students BGV, mail to


MOU Partners


S.NO Department Name of the organization with whom MOU/Collaboration being signed Start Date End Date
1 College Edu Skills 28.03.2023 28.03.2024
2 College Hexaware Technology Ltd 10.03.2022 09.03.2025
3 College Bosch 20.01.2022 19.01.2024
4 College Xplore Placement Club 05.08.2021 04.08.2025
5 College CISCO 29.03.2023 29.03.2024
6 College Code Tantra 13.12.2022 13.12.2025
7 College ICT Academy 09.10.2023 09.10.2024
8 College Spoken Tutorials 13.10.2023 13.04.2024
9 College AIC-SKU Confederation 28.06.2023 27.06.2024
Department Name: CIVIL
10 CIVIL Irrigation & Water Resource Department 05.07.2022 04.07.2027
11 CIVIL A.P Samgra Siksha 27.06.2022 26.06.2027
12 CIVIL Panchayathi Raj Department 21.06.2022 20.06.2027
13 CIVIL Earthonamic Engineering 29.11.2018 28.11.2023
14 CIVIL Global Ready Mix 12.12.2018 11.12.2023
15 CIVIL Pavan Survey and Engineering 07.01.2019 06.01.2024
16 CIVIL National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), PIU, NELLORE 22.09.2020 21.09.2025
Department Name: CSE
17 CSE Institute of Management and Foreign Studies (IMFS) 26.10.2022 25.10.2024
Department Name: ECE
18 ECE National Small Industries Corporation Technical Services Centre (NSIC-TSC), 26.08.2022 25.08.2023
19 ECE Yantrisiksha 07.10.2020 07.10.2023
20 ECE Microlink Information Technology 10.12.2022 10.12.2025
21 ECE STAR VLSI Services Privated Limited 01-06-2021 01-06-2026
22 ECE Microlink Information Technology 10-09-2022 10-09-2027
23 ECE Edu Skills 25-05-2022 25-05-2025
24 ECE Hexaware 10-03-2022 10-03-2025
25 ECE STAR VLSI Services Privated Limited 01-06-2021 01-06-2026
Department Name: EEE
26 EEE Hyderabad Institute of Electrical Engineers (HIEE), Hyderabad 14.09.2022 13.09.2025
27 EEE Pantech Proed Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad 01.09.2021 31.08.2026
28 EEE Bhavya Constructions, Vijayawada 18-02-2020 11.02.2025
29 EEE G.S.Electricals, Vijayawada 02.12.2020 01.12.2025
30 EEE Weberindia Infra Power Pvt Ltd, Nellore 07.12.2020 06.12.2025
31 EEE TVL Electricals, Vijayawada 18.02.2020 17.02.2025
32 EEE Sree Arudathi Engineering Company, Ongole 10.02.2021 09.02.2026
33 EEE Lanarsy Infra Limited, Hyderabad 01.08.2022 30.07.2025
34 EEE PACE Power Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangaluru 01.08.2022 30.07.2025
35 EEE Lineage Power Pvt Limited, Bangaluru 02.08.2022 01.08.2025
36 EEE Crystal Power Controls 09.11.2022 08.11.2025
Department Name: IT & CSE(IOT&CSBT)
37 IT, CSE(IOT&CSBT) IARDIT Company, Gurgaon 22.12.2021 22.12.2026
38 IT, CSE(IOT&CSBT) Matrix Vision, Bangalore 28.01.2019 28.01.2024
Department Name: ME
39 ME Lakshmi Granites 07.12.2018 06.12.2027
40 ME Sree Arundati 10.06.2019 09.06.2028
41 ME HIEE 14.09.2022 13.09.2025
42 ME Assistive Infotech Private Limited 23.09.2023 22.09.2026