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The Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted to take measures for prevention of ragging in the institution.

The Anti-ragging Committee reviews the anti-ragging measures followed on campus and suggests ways to prevent any kind of ragging occurrence and solves the issues if any raised. The Committee shall take an appropriate decision, regarding punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging, nature, and gravity of the incident.

S. No Name Of The Member Designation CONTACT NO.
1 Dr G.V.K. Murthy Principal 9703020577
2 Mr.G.Ramesh Babu Assoc.Professor,Dept. of H&S Convener 9581456309
3 Sub Inspector Tanguturu Plice Station 9121102137
4 Dr.R.Veeranjaneyulu Dean- Student Affairs 9581456310
5 Mr. G.Koti Reddy Diploma Principal 9160496496
6 Mr.K.Manohar Asst. Professor in IT Dept 8886166659
7 Mr. Ch.Ravindra Babu Asst. Professor in CSE Dept 9581456351
8 Dr.A.Seshagiri Rao Hostel Chief Warden 9581456389
9 Mrs.N.Vaishnavi Coordinator -ICC 9677444476
10 Mr.B.Suresh Babu Asst.Professor in EEE Dept 8247494857
11 Mr. N.Durga Paramesh Asst.Professor in ECE Dept 9966389989
12 Mr.S.Ankarao Asst.Professor in Civil Dept 8464872474
13 Mr.Y_Srinivasa Reddy Asst_Professor in MECH Dept, Transportation In-charge 9440236052
14 Mr.K.Ramesh Asst.Professor in MBA Dept 9959058688
15 Mr.I.Madhu Sudhan Physical Director 9581456562
16 Mrs_Sk_Heena Kauser Women Discipline Committe 9581456563
17 Mr.T.Ravindranath Lecturer in Generalsection 9440794395
18 Mrs.B.Sujatha Lecturer in Generalsection 9908876637
19 Mrs.B.Aruna kumari NGO --
20 Peddapudi Vineela Student --
21 Shaik Nadiya Student --
22 Potluri Vasu Student --
23 Talari Karthik Student --
24 Veluri Vamsi Student --
25 SK. Muzamill Student --
26 B.Praveen kumar Student --
27 K.Madhu priya Student --
28 A.Pujitha Student --